Sunshine Qualicare
Sdn. Bhd.

About Us


United by shared personal experiences and passion, three friends found themselves drawn together to revolutionise elderly care with innovative solutions tailored to seniors' needs, blending empathy and technology to create a holistic ecosystem. With Rino's insurance expertise, Sheera's branding specialisation, and Sarina's business development skills, the trio embarked on a journey to create a holistic and conducive healthcare ecosystem tailored specifically to improve the lifestyle of the coming ageing population in Malaysia, starting at Ipoh as their first setup.
Our tagline:

Ageing Reimagined

Capturing the essence of a forward-thinking approach to ageing rather than the conventional perceptions of ageing as a period of decline. It signifies a positive shift in the way society views and experiences ageing, focusing on the possibilities rather than the limitations. This tagline suggests seniors are empowered to embrace their lives with vitality, purpose, and dignity. It displays a dedication to innovation in healthcare, lifestyle, and community support systems, aiming to improve the quality of life for senior citizens. 


Our goal is to create an environment where seniors can thrive, find fulfilment, and maintain their dignity throughout the ageing process while addressing the physical, emotional, and social aspects of ageing and ensuring they receive the support they deserve as valued members of society.


Reshaping the landscape of elderly healthcare by creating a future where every senior can embrace their golden years with optimism, grace, and unparalleled support, inspiring to shift the perception of ageing from a period of decline to opportunity and growth that celebrates the wisdom and contributions of the elderly in our communities.

Our Team

Rinorazlin Sabri

Co-founder & Director

Sheera Mohamed

Co-founder & Director

Sarina Mokhtar

Director - Busines Services
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